Friday, January 16, 2009

Keep Building!!


Jim Piccolo has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Nouveau Riche since he co-founded it in 2000. Mr. Piccolo has also served as Chairman of Piccolo International University (formerly known as Nouveau University) since 2005 and is a principal owner of the university. Mr. Piccolo brings with him a unique combination of business leadership, experience, vision and philosophy. Above all else, Piccolo believes in building relationships and treating people fairly and with respect. This philosophy has served him well.

In November of 2004, Mr. Piccolo was featured in Biz AZ Magazine as one of the “Coolest Places to Work”. Piccolo’s broad business experience spans more than twenty-five years, ranging from President and Chief Executive Officer of a privately held multi-national manufacturing company to a publicly traded international marketing company with four wholly owned subsidiaries in the United States and international concerns. Piccolo, known for his vision, has the uncanny ability to recognize market opportunities and act on them quickly to create thriving businesses. In the last few years alone, Mr. Piccolo has created and acquired more than 40 innovative companies in which he maintains control or significant ownership interest, including Piccolo International University, Nouveau Riche, The Real Market Experts®, Nouveau Riche Academy™, iWizard Holding™, The Mortgage Store™-USA, Number Won Accountants, Inc. It, Inc., and many more.

Mr. Piccolo has been acknowledged by many national publications for his work as one of the most recognized visionaries, innovators, and philanthropists of his time. Mr. Piccolo has gained recognition as an exceptional and highly sought after public speaker and has delivered educational, inspirational and motivational speeches to audiences worldwide in destinations like Maui, Acapulco, Cozumel and Cancun (Mexico), Seoul (South Korea), Bali (Indonesia), Cairo (Egypt), Bangkok (Thailand), Cape Town and Phinda (South Africa), Sidney (Australia), Munich (Germany), Bora Bora, (Tahiti), Antigua, Cayman Islands and the Bahamas, as well as hundreds of domestic venues.

In 2007, Mr. Piccolo created a charitable foundation, The Frank Edward Piccolo Foundation, named for his late father who passed away in 1987 after an agonizing but brief battle with cancer. The Foundation supports many children’s charities, including Starlight Foundation™, Help4Kidz, The Rock, and Judi’s House. The foundation also focuses on promoting volunteerism among families and youth, providing a comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities for youth.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Back to the beginning.

Do you ever wonder if what you doing is the right thing for you?
Do you ever think that maybe I should be doing something else; maybe I shouldn't have done that.
Often I feel like what I'm doing might not be the right or best thing for me. It always seems when I start wondering these things I get a slap in the face. I realize, or see that whatever I am doing it is the right thing at the right time.
It's like climbing a ladder, you always have to start at the bottom and climb your way up. The business I do, most people have paid their price in another business. For me I was a Realtor for almost 5 years, that was a difficult thing for me, I learned a lot about 100% commission pay, our family learned to budget, and save for the time when money wasn't coming in.
I also learned how to network, and work with people, and offer them what they need. So I guess what I'm saying is if you are struggling with you business, 1st make sure your doing what you love, 2nd make sure you are doing it for the right reason, Money isn't everything, and last but not least if it you said no to the first 2 questions, the find that thing you love. You might be doing it till the day you die.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Business plans

So, my new habit for the week is to write business plans. You know how you have these ideas in your head, and then a week or two later you can't remember that awesome idea you had. Thats why I've started to write these ideas down, I'm actully putting them into a business plan format. Its been fun, taking the idea and building it with short, and long term goals. Looking at expense of creating, and running the business. The good thing is one day I'll have 10-20 business plans, so when I have the money, or time I can pick the one I like and start the business, or when I die my kids can find them and become millionaires.

If you have never writen a business plan you should try it. It is really motivating. It's cool to see everything you come up with, then organize it and possibly be able to take that business plan and get a loan to start a business. Then 1 or 2 years later revise the plan, and if you need more capitol for the bisiness go and get the funding.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Some ideas are better than others!

If you know me, you know I always have different ideas. My ideas make a ton of sense to me. I usually bounce my ideas of my wife, and most of the time she looks at me like I'm crazy, and i usually ignore her and move forward with the idea. I like starting things, but finishing them takes extra work, and I'm already on to another idea.

Here is a list of my new ideas.
Real Estate Club
Women Real Estate Club
Buying a 3.2 million dollar 40 plex.
A billboard trailor. Already bought, now just doing the final touches.
a couple ideas I don't want to share...
Create my own website. A lot more work than I thought. I'll just pay someone to do it.
Have to do with Radio, radio ads would be cool, expensive

Billboard was an idea a few months ago that has made myself and a business partner over 30k.

Good Luck